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Salvation - God's Way

Biblical Wisdom

a life ring
Our Choice

Romans 10:9 - that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

This life is your time of choice. As we are drowning in our sins and trespasses, God throws us His life-ring. Our choice is to grab onto that salvation He has offered, or, reject it. I am talking about a personnel relationship with the God of the universe through trusting in His Son. To rejects Jesus, is to reject the only salvation that God has provided us.
The Apostle John , quotes Jesus in: John 3:16-21; I am hopeful that you will seriously consider accepting Jesus as your Savior, or at least start a quest to find the True and Living God.

You know, God has a way that He works inside people, to bring him to Himself. Have you felt in your heart of hearts the pull of God? Has the truth of His love for you been presented to you time and time again during your life? Was it just a coincidence that you found this site, or, is this another incidence of God knocking at your hearts door? Please accept Jesus as your Savior. There is no need to clean up your life before you come to Him. He wants you just as you are, and He will help you have victory over those issues that plague you.

Photo of Tony

Salvation - (Becoming right with God)

1. Confess to God that you are a sinner deserving of judgment.
(Romans 3:23 & 6:23).

2. Believe in your heart, that Christ died for your sins, and that He came to life again. (Romans 10:9-10).

3. Now pray this prayer, there is nothing special about these words, the real work is not just words, it is a honest change of your will, exchanging your will for your life, for God's will:

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me, for sending Jesus to die in my place, to suffer and shed His blood so I could be forgiven and my sins forgotten. I give you my life and I ask for your power to help me be the kind of person that you want me to be. You have worked for me on the cross; now work in me to change me. Lord, I pray that my life will bring You glory, and bring You pleasure. In Jesus name, Amen.

Now that's done, maybe you felt something change just now, maybe you didn't, it doesn't matter. Just believe that things have changed because they have. Now go and tell someone, you know that person, the one who really believes in Jesus and is really a Christian. Tell him (or her) about your prayer, and that you are trusting in Jesus. Then allow them to lead you in your walk with the Lord. Daily prayer (talking with God) critical, and studying God's Word (the Bible) will strengthen your commitment as a follower of Jesus. Start with the Gospel of John - John's eyewitness account of what Jesus said and did while on this earth. Stay away from denominations that rely on extra writings or their own "special prophet." Remember that God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit, lives inside of you and He will help you live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. God has worked through your life to bring you to Him, and He will be faithful to complete in you everything He desires for your life. God bless you!

the road ahead Now What?

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

There is help on this website to help you understand what it is to live the Christian life. Not so much a list of do's and dont's, more like an understanding of how much God loves you and how to live a life that tells God "thanks" for what He has done. A Believers Survival Guide (pdf)

What is pdf? - pdf is a type of computer file that anybody can open and read, and even print, by having a FREE program offered by the Adobe Company called "Adobe Acrobat." You can download this program here.

One church I can recommend where they will study God's Word is: Calvary Chapel, perhaps there is one near you.

A great Bible study resource I recommend is the Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia's mobile applications for Android and the I-Pod. In the "Verse by Verse" section of the application, you can study along with Pastor Joe Focht in any of the books of the Bible you desire. Personally, I would recommend studying the Gospel of John first. Click on the photo below to go to their website.

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